Fighting Words Friday: Lead By Truth


“Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.”
-Psalm 25:4-5

This is the verse at the beginning of Rebekah Lyons new book Rhythms of Renewal. I love the book, and I love this verse because so often I can feel like THE MOST distracted person. Have you seen the movie Up? There is this scene with dogs talking, and they will be mid-sentence when suddenly one of them shouts, “SQUIRREL!” This is how I feel  a lot of days! There is so much to get done. There are so many people to love and serve, and there are so many good things I could do with my moments and my days, but this verse centers me. It reminds me that I can ask God to guide my steps and my moments, and when I shift my perspective to Him and ask Him to guide my schedule, there is a letting go, a rest, and a peace that comes over me. I’m suddenly anchored in His love and His truth, even with a FULL and busy day on my hands. THIS VERY MOMENT as I type, this caption, I’m trying to decide on how to best travel with my kids for an upcoming show, and I’m reminding myself that instead of worrying or circling round and round this decision, which is what I usually do, I can bring it to God, who guides me, who leads me, who saves me. Thankful for a trustworthy guide and friend in the Lord today.