Fighting Words Friday: Hoping and Longing

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you.

- John 15:7

This verse is a beautiful mystery to me. I know that God isn’t some genie in a bottle, where if we follow a few simple steps, we get all our wishes granted. In fact, there have been some desperate prayers I’ve prayed that were not answered in the way that I hoped. But even in the midst of those dreams that didn’t come true, in the midst of my deepest losses and suffering, I have found my deepest comfort in remaining in God’s love and in His promises. I don’t know what you’re hoping or longing for, and I wish I could promise everything will work out exactly like you want it to, but I can’t. I can only say that deep down, I know my deepest wish is to not not have to face anything alone, and I find that desire granted over and over again in the love of God. Lord, help us remain in You and let your word remain in us, even on the days our hearts break. Thank you that you let your Son be broken for us, so we could know that our brokenness is never the end of the story. Thank you that Your love goes all the way down to the grave with us and lifts us out of it. Help us remain and live in light of this good news.