Fighting Words Friday: Creation Singing

I bought my son a cup of caterpillars for his birthday. We fed them, watched them grow to 7 times their size, marveled as they spun their cocoons, and waited with great anticipation for the incredible transformation to happen. It felt like watching a miracle unfold in our very own kitchen. I’m so grateful for this “world of wonders” that we live in, and that in SO many ways, creation sings the song of redemption and beauty that we were all made to listen to and to sing. So thankful that because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, because He rose from a grave, and because He lives today and intercedes for us, we ALWAYS have a reason to sing a brand new song to God. Here’s hoping that today and every day we won’t miss out on tuning into Creation’s beautiful song.

I just released a book and a little EP that lean into the theme of Creation singing and the invitation we’re all given to sing along with our voices and our lives. If you haven’t seen my book, Who Sang the First Song or heard my new children’s EP, Sing: Creation Songs, you can check them out at the link in my profile. They were both very much inspired by this beautiful verse in Psalm 98. MY hope and prayer is that the book and the EP feel like an invitation for both children AND adults to join in the song that this lovely world of wonders sings day in and day out.